Delighted to announce that G4S in Northern Ireland and Springvale Employment and Learning have entered into a learning and development partnership through the Apprenticeship NI scheme to upskill there existing and new staff in Information Technology across multiple sites in Northern Ireland.
I must say they have been the most fantastic people to work with on this partnership – in photo from left to right Danielle ,Lorna and G4S HR Business Partner Kirstie Semple luckily we got a very tropical day for the photo.
Below is a quick Q and A which Kirstie Semple gracefully agreed to complete. A big thank you to everyone involved including the unsung hero of this all Tutor and part time photographer David Lockhart.
1. How did you come across Springvale Learning?
I believe we met at a jobs fair run by the Department for Communities.
2. How important are apprenticeships to you and your team?
The Apprenticeship NI program offers our employees the opportunity to develop new and vital skills needed in the workplace.
It has re energised and engaged the workforce and reinforced the message that our employees are at the heart of our business.
3. How has enrolling your team onto their apprenticeship scheme and your overall experience being so far ?
So easy! Your team has been so supportive and happy to help with any queries.
4.Would you be placing further staff on the apprenticeship scheme and Would you recommend Springvale learning to other companies?
Yes, we hope to expand the scheme further across NI. Springvale have been professional yet approachable throughout the entire process and we would recommend them to anyone.
Do not ponder or wonder anymore about apprenticeships! If you are a company owner, or working in HR and involved in your companies learning and development strategy and want to understand or are interested in learning how and apprenticeship can work within your company, then do get in touch with me direct on 07485 359882 e-mail-