Level 1 Childcare students help out at St James Community Farm
















Our level 1 childcare students are volunteering every Thursday morning at St James’ Community Farm St James’ Farm. The young people were warmly welcomed into the farm, and they got to work straight away. They supported the children

during snack time and while they got busy doing jobs on the farm. They read stories and helped the children feed and hold the animals. The staff, parents and children were delighted to have them and were impressed with how they supported and communicated with the children.
It is great for our students to get out and experience different settings where they would be working with children as well as supporting local community organisations.
If you are a school leaver and interested in a career in childcare you can apply online, there are no entry requirements.
If you are currently working in childcare but have no qualifications you can do your level 2 and 3 qualifications through an Apprenticeship. You just have to be employed over 21 hours to be able to apply and all course fees are paid by the government so no cost to you or your employer.

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